
When you operate a business from your home, you need to know if it is covered under your homeowners insurance policy. Click for more.


3 Situations Covered By Engineering Professional Liability Insurance

14 December 2020
Insurance, Blog

Most business owners have a good understanding of traditional liability insurance plans. These plans cover general claims of negligence or wrongful actions made against you by anyone you interact with as a professional. A slip and fall case, for example, is a classic type of case covered by traditional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance plans, on the other hand, cover negligent or wrongful actions you make as part of your business services.
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4 Reasons Continuing Education Is Vital For Insurance Professionals

14 October 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Suppose you are an insurance agent in the state of New York and want to maintain your license. In that case, you need to complete a certain number of continuing education (CE) credits for each 2-year license renewal period. It is essential to take your continuing education requirements seriously, as it can offer you many benefits beyond just keeping your license. 1. Meet Customer's Needs Taking continuing education classes can help you meet your customer's needs.
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Don’t Have A License But You Need Car Insurance? 3 Things You Need To Know

14 October 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you own a vehicle but don't have a driver's license, getting insurance for your car may be a little tricky but is entirely possible. There are a few things you should know about getting car insurance when you don't have a driver's license. Add a Primary Driver If you own a vehicle but you don't have a driver's license, many car insurance companies will ask you to list someone as the primary or principal driver for the insurance policy.
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Auto Insurance Tips For College Students

14 September 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

For many young adults, college is their first taste of freedom and the chance to make decisions on their own. However, with this freedom comes the responsibility of caring for your own daily needs, including automobile insurance. Luckily, there are several things that college students can do to ensure that the student both has adequate coverage and can save the most money possible. Here are a few simple tips automobile insurance tips for college students.
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Why Your Construction Business Needs General Liability Insurance

11 August 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you have a construction business but do not have general liability insurance, then you might be making a big mistake. Many contractors find that they are better off having general liability insurance to cover their businesses. A few reasons why you need this coverage are listed here. Your Trade Association Might Require It As a contractor, you might be involved in some sort of trade association or other similar organization.
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About Me
your home business and homeowners insurance

When you operate a business from your home, you enjoy the benefit of not having to commute to a busy office every single day. One thing that you may not have considered is whether your home business is covered under your current homeowners insurance policy. If you have expensive equipment, inventory and files stored in your home, you may need to add a rider to your insurance policy to ensure that you are covered. Find out more about how a home business can impact your homeowners insurance policy and whether or not you are protected as your policy stands today.
