
When you operate a business from your home, you need to know if it is covered under your homeowners insurance policy. Click for more.


Two Factors That Influence Your Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums

31 July 2023
Insurance, Blog

Medical malpractice insurance is a necessary part of being a licensed doctor. When you are searching for the best combination of price and coverage, you'll likely notice costs can vary significantly. There are two factors that can be a major influence on your premiums.  Specialty Malpractice more likely occurs in some specialties than others. For example, a medical error is more likely to occur if you are a surgeon versus a family physician.
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3 Ways General Liability Insurance Protects Your Landscaping Business

26 June 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you're starting a landscaping service, you'll want to carry insurance. Clients may even want to see proof of insurance before they hire you. Talk to an insurance agent about the type of coverage your landscaping business needs. One type they may recommend is general liability insurance. Here's how this type of insurance will protect you.  1. It Covers Injuries Clients Get In Your Office If you have an office where clients can visit you to sign up for services or drop off payments, you'll need to be covered with liability insurance in case someone trips and is injured when they fall.
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3 Tips For Getting The Best Deal On An Insurance Policy

25 April 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Insurance is something that nearly every consumer needs to help protect their most valuable purchases and investments. Thankfully, no matter what you are looking to insure — your home, personal vehicle, or something else entirely — there are a variety of useful strategies that can get you closer to the best deal possible. For more information on just a few of the most helpful ones, take a look below. Bundle Policies
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The Role Of Business Insurance In Risk Management: Mitigating Potential Losses

27 March 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Risk management is an essential component of any successful business strategy. It involves the identification, assessment, and prioritization of potential risks, followed by the implementation of measures to minimize or eliminate their impact. By addressing potential threats proactively, businesses can protect their assets, ensure continued growth, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. One of the key tools businesses use to manage risk is insurance, which provides a financial safety net to cover losses in the event of unforeseen events.
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5 Additional Coverage Options To Add To Your Auto Insurance

6 February 2023
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The most basic types of insurance policies are liability and collision coverage, with liability covering the other driver if you are at fault and collision covering repairs to your car. Unfortunately, this means a lot of things aren't covered, which can be expensive. Fortunately, there are additional coverage options that will provide better protection and are still affordable.  1. Uninsured Motorist Collision may cover damages to your vehicle if you are at fault, but it won't cover the damages when the other driver is at fault — even if the other driver is uninsured.
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About Me
your home business and homeowners insurance

When you operate a business from your home, you enjoy the benefit of not having to commute to a busy office every single day. One thing that you may not have considered is whether your home business is covered under your current homeowners insurance policy. If you have expensive equipment, inventory and files stored in your home, you may need to add a rider to your insurance policy to ensure that you are covered. Find out more about how a home business can impact your homeowners insurance policy and whether or not you are protected as your policy stands today.
