
When you operate a business from your home, you need to know if it is covered under your homeowners insurance policy. Click for more.


4 Ways To Lower Your Home Insurance Premiums

21 August 2018
Insurance, Blog

Did you just get your home insurance bill in the mail and have a bit of a heart attack when you saw the total? Home insurance costs tend to creep up on you. But you don't have to go on paying an arm and a leg! Here are four ways to lower your home insurance premium costs. 1. Ask for a quote from your car insurance company A few decades ago, some companies sold car insurance, and others sold home insurance.
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5 Reasons Why Renter’s Insurance Is Important

22 June 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

While most people understand the importance of having homeowner's insurance, not everyone is convinced that renter's insurance is also a necessity. If you rent an apartment or house, your landlord's insurance policy will not cover your belongings if something should happen. Here are five reasons why you should get renter's insurance: It Will Protect Your Belongings If you live in a small apartment you might not think you own enough to warrant a renter's insurance policy.
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Shop Around For And Acquire The Insurance And Safety Items You Need For Your New Boat

7 May 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you enjoy spending time on the open water while fishing from or relaxing in your friend's pontoon, you may have realized the benefits associated with purchasing your own watercraft to utilize during the weekend or extended holidays. Before purchasing a boat, prepare for the new addition with the advice below.  Consider Your Needs And Finances Think about how often you will be using a boat and what its main purpose will be.
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Top Ways To Save Money On Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

9 February 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

There are certain bills you must pay each month that you cannot change, such as your mortgage payment and utility bills, but there are other types of monthly expenses you have some control over. Homeowner's insurance is one of these expenses that you can control to some extent, and here are some of the top ways to save money on your homeowner's insurance policy. Keep a high deductible The deductible on your policy is an important part of your home insurance premium, and changing this amount will affect the amount you spend on your home insurance.
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Can Teen Drivers Do Anything To Qualify For Lower Auto Insurance Rates?

8 January 2018
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Getting out on the road as a newly licensed teen driver is a amazing time in your life, but it can also be frustrating financially for both the teen and their parents. Regardless of who's paying for the bill, auto insurance costs for teen and young adult drivers tend to be surprisingly high compared to the same rates for slightly older and more experienced adults. Yet there's some ways around paying nearly $300 a month for added coverage to a parent's policy and over $400 for independent teen coverage.
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About Me
your home business and homeowners insurance

When you operate a business from your home, you enjoy the benefit of not having to commute to a busy office every single day. One thing that you may not have considered is whether your home business is covered under your current homeowners insurance policy. If you have expensive equipment, inventory and files stored in your home, you may need to add a rider to your insurance policy to ensure that you are covered. Find out more about how a home business can impact your homeowners insurance policy and whether or not you are protected as your policy stands today.
